We bring underrepresented genders in the music industry to the main stage

Keychange is a movement that counts the discounted. We take action to empower talented underrepresented genders with training, mentoring, and network support plus conferences and showcasing opportunities at partner festivals.

Join us and represent!


REPORT: Manifesto 2.0

As the music industry and the world evolves, so do the needs and demands, leading to a development from the initial manifesto in 2018. Collating the perspectives of participants on our talent development programme the Keychange Manifesto 2.0 delves deeper into imagining a better future that prioritises both humanity and the planet, providing a guiding framework to a more inclusive, equitable, and sustainable industry. It outlines a 10-point call to action aimed at legislators, policy makers, and all sectors of the music industry. Find out more by clicking below for the full Manifesto.


REPORT: Keychange Impact Evaluation Report

A culmination of the experiences of participants on the Keychange development programme, the Impact Evaluation Report delves into the Keychange’s impact on women and gender-diverse individuals since its inception in 2018, as well as the impact on the wider music industry.
Conducted by independent evaluator Dr Matina Magkou, the report acknowledges the importance of going beyond gender, taking a more intersectional approach to be more inclusive and sensitive when addressing wider inequalities in the music industry, including factors such as ethnic diversity and race, disability, age or parenthood. Read the full evaluation by clicking below.

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We bring you an update on the progress of the Keychange Pledge and its Pledge Action Plan outlining next steps. Featuring feedback provided by more than 200 global pledge signatories over 5 years, the Pledge Action Plan has been created by Keychange based upon data analysis provided by Erasmus University Rotterdam. The action plan highlights progress made, challenges faced, and the next steps required.

Keychange will develop new frameworks, targeted campaigns and global reach to support its signatories in achieving their pledged ambitions via a new 4 point plan focussed on development and an industry-wide call to action as follows: 

  • Beyond Gender

    • Working towards gender balance within the music industry requires actions that represent women and gender expansive people from all under-represented backgrounds. This requires a strong focus on intersectionality when creating pledges and monitoring progress, ensuring representation of and direct input from women and gender expansive people of all races, ethnicities, (dis)abilities and social classes, throughout all of Keychange’s activities. 

  • Urgent Action

    • Encouraging the global music industry to create detailed, time-focussed, intersectional pledges to proactively bring about sector-wide change.

  • Global Community

    • Creating roundtables, workshops and conversation spaces for different sectors of the music industry to share best practices, information, and tips for development and progression.

  • Education & Activism

    • Keychange will develop new guidelines, best practices and monitoring support to individual signatories. 

Access the Pledge Action Plan and the full Keychange Pledge Research Report below.


What does it mean to represent the underrepresented?

As talent, festivals, orchestras, broadcasters, music agencies, we share the belief in and passion for music.

To represent the underrepresented means to take a stand so we don’t miss out on unique talent and artful expressions.

You can represent by pledging with us to work toward balance, inclusion and for a future where all voices are heard.


Represent the underrepresented talent in the music industry

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An urgent situation calls for urgent action

Our present situation demands urgent action, we’re losing talent every day. Talent is distributed evenly, opportunities are not.

We must go beyond the talk of representation. We must break down the barriers that are silencing talent.

To achieve better gender balance and inclusivity for women and gender expansive individuals on stage and behind the scenes, we need to work together to represent.


We’ve made progress

See the change multiply! We devised a bold and sustainable action plan to bring women and gender expansive talent to the stage. 700+ music organisations have already pledged to achieve gender balance.

With ever-increasing numbers, our progress towards equality is revolutionising the music industry, as new talent takes the stage.

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festival partners pioneering the


events and panel discussions raising awareness


under-represented talent supported
by keychange


music organisations pledged for gender balance by 2024